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  • Radar

This page relates to the alarm system radar. Another application is the use with driving assistance. See the page driving assistance.

The radar is concealed as centrally as possible in the interior (see image below). The radar transmits radar signals that are independent of sound waves, vibrations and movements of fast, small objects. That is why a radar is suitable for a convertible, and a system with ultrasonic sensors is not.
Compared to the ultrasonic sensor, the radar is very slow and will only trigger the alarm a few seconds after a person has sat in the car. This system will also have to calibrate itself after switching on the alarm. Also, the radar will not be limited to just the interior of the car. The signals from the radar go right through the metal and plastic of the car (and weaken it because of that) but will even register movements that occur right next to the car. For example, it is possible to adjust the radar in such a way that when someone walks too close to the car (or touches it), the alarm can be activated.

See the page Alarm system for more information on how the alarm and all sensors work.