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  • Exhaust
  • Flexible part
  • Function of the muffler
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the damper

Exhaust pipe:
The exhaust ensures the removal of the exhaust gases that are released during the combustion of the engine. The exhaust is attached to the engine block.
When the exhaust gases leave the cylinder, they enter the exhaust directly via the exhaust manifold (sometimes also via a turbo). The exhaust serves to discharge the gases behind the car. If the exhaust were to stop at the bottom halfway through the car, the exhaust gases (which are harmful to health) could easily enter the interior.
The exhaust usually consists of an exhaust manifold, a catalytic converter, a flexible part, a middle muffler and a rear muffler (also known as muffler). These are discussed below.

Flexible part:
The engine produces a lot of vibration. The flexible part (see image below) dampens these vibrations, so that the rest of the exhaust remains as vibration-free as possible. Otherwise, there is a high chance that after a short time, parts will crack and break off, such as the exhaust manifold and exhaust connectors.
The flexible part is mounted close behind the exhaust manifold. Sometimes the catalytic converter is mounted directly after the exhaust manifold to warm up as quickly as possible (as in the picture), and on other cars it is the other way around, then the catalytic converter is again after the flexible part.

Function of the muffler:
A muffler muffles the sound of the exhaust. Sound is a vibration. Due to the enormous vibration frequency of all power strokes, an extremely loud noise is caused. By slowing down the speed of this air movement, the noise level also decreases.
An exhaust silencer consists of several tubes, surrounded by a special heat-resistant damping wool. The air has to get through one tube with holes to the other tube. Because the air makes a number of bends, collides with everything and is therefore slowed down, the air speed and therefore also the sound will be dampened.
Not all cars have center mufflers. Some cars with lighter (or diesel) engines have enough of the muffler.

Advantages and disadvantages of the damper:
Exhaust mufflers are constructed in such a way that the car exactly meets the maximum noise level to be type-approved. The car becomes as quiet as possible, so that other road users and local residents have as little inconvenience as possible from traffic. However, there is also a limit. When there is too much damping (for example due to too large or too many mufflers), the exhaust gases can be slowed down to such an extent that the engine cannot run optimally. The engine then gets too much back pressure, causing a lot of power loss. This must therefore be taken into account when designing the car.