You dont have javascript enabled! Please enable it! is a non-commercial educational car technical website that has grown since 2009 to a total of 360 pages about car technology.
The content is mainly focused on the theoretical operation of mechanical, hydraulic and electrical components that you find in classic, but especially modern motor vehicles. The topics are explained as comprehensibly as possible with the help of images, diagrams and practical examples from the workshop or practical setups. All pages are freely accessible and ad-free; this is what I want to be unique in with this site.

The website is extremely suitable as a reference work for students of automotive engineering, commercial vehicle engineering and mobile equipment at level 2 to 4 and those who move on from HAVO/VWO to HBO mechanical engineering or automotive engineering. In addition to students, technicians with extensive experience can refresh their knowledge here. Those interested without a technical background can get acquainted with the basic concepts in car technology, to understand more about the operation of their own car or the data on the workshop invoices. This makes the digital source of information about car technology!

Every month I publish new articles or update existing articles. In the event of major changes, I will show this in the overview below with recent updates.

Do you have photos or (practical) examples from your own field that you would like to share on this website? Think of unique photos of a dismantled part (which are not copyrighted by third parties), an experience you have gained in your career, or a part of your own lesson? Please do not hesitate to contact me.
I will be happy to publish your input on the site, with of course a reference to you and/or the organization where you work. Note for the visitors who have enabled the English translation: the website was originally written in Dutch. I enabled the website translation in October XNUMX and have been improving the translation on a monthly basis ever since. Have you seen translation errors and would you like to contribute to a well-translated website? I appreciate it if you contact me via the contact form. Thank you!

Updates until March 27, 2024

Reading electrical diagram

April 17, 2024. A new theme will soon appear on the website: the air brake system of a truck. This covers the air-providing and air-consuming parts of the tractor and trailer. The operation of the components is also described, from the air compressor to the diaphragm and spring brake cylinders. Keep an eye on the page for the most recent updates. The pages in question are currently in the design phase. The complete theme of "air brake systems" is planned to be online around May 1.